Dear Parents/Carer
Uniform can now be ordered directly from our supplier Wovina.
Please visit wovina.com - click on school wear and find St Agnes Academy on the list of schools on the right hand side. You will then be able to view items which can be ordered online, items will be posted to your home address.
If you have any queries, please contact the office. Please see below details of our uniform and PE uniform:
- Red sweatshirt (not a hoodie) preferably with school logo / red cardigan
- Red or white polo shirt
- Grey trousers/shorts/shirts/ red and white checked skirts
- Grey / black / white / red socks/tights
- Black school shoes or trainers (any colour)
Please note, in order to promote healthy active play and minimise cost for parents, we are happy for children to wear trainers, in any colour, each day.
PE Uniform
On PE Days, the PE uniform can be worn which is:
- Red t-shirt and black shorts
- Black leggings or plain black tracksuit bottoms (no logos)
- Trainers or plimsolls