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Our Curriculum Approach

" Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." WB Yeats

Courage, Curiosity, Community, Conservation, Connection 

At St Agnes Academy we pride ourselves on our curriculum, designed to suit the needs and interests of our school community, local area and national and global context, using the National Curriculum as the basis. We believe we have created a curriculum and ethos that develops both the hearts and minds of our children.

Our curriculum had been designed around 5 drivers: Courage, Curiosity, Community, Conservation and Connection. We want our children to be inspired by the courage of others, to be curious about the world around them, value and feel part of their local community, have a love of the natural world and the desire to conserve it and understand how they are connected to other places, times, people and cultures.

Each subject's curriculum has been designed to ensure coherence year-on-year to ensure that the learning journey for each of our children is broad, balanced and meaningful. Every subject has its own integrity and our curriculum is designed and taught to ensure that we remain true to the underlying principles of each subject. 

At St Agnes Academy, we have 3 measures of curriculum impact, which we believe are essential in ensuring our children are well-rounded, happy and successful individuals.

  1.     What we learn (developing our children's knowledge and understanding)
  2.     Who we are (developing our children's character and sense of belonging and responsibility)
  3.     How we behave (developing our children as self-aware, successful learners)

Our curriculum places great emphasis on Cornish history, geography and culture to ensure our children feel part of a rich community. In addition, great importance is given to conservation and environmental issues including being Ocean Guardians and a Plastic Free School. Living in such an inspiring place means that we also draw heavily on our local area to give greater meaning and purpose to our curriculum such as through specifically designed field-work opportunities in geography, working with local artists and designers and studying our local habitat in science.

To find out more about our curriculum, please visit our Subject Information page.


Please click here to view the Equalities Statement, Accessibility Plan, Racial Equality Policy and the Equality and Diversity Policy.  Please also refer to the Everyone's Included pages of the website where you can find an information report detailing how our school identifies, assesses, and makes provision for children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities.

If you would like to find out more information about the curriculum at Foxhole Learning Academy then please contact the school office.

Personal Development

Personal Development is fundamental in everything that we do at St Agnes Academy. Our Personal Development ethos encourages, promotes, adopts and embeds a range of skills that enables children to be lifelong learners.

At St Agnes, we support children to acquire the knowledge and understanding they need to manage their lives both now and in the future. We aim to develop the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and positive members of their community. We aspire to prepare children to manage opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that they will face growing up in such a rapidly changing modern world.

Many of the pages in this section of our website show how Personal Development is woven through our curriculum and everything that we do.

pictures showing some of the highlights of being at this school, some of the activites on offerpictures showing some of the highlights of being at this school, some of the activites on offer - set 2